Film festival branding of a nine-day cultural celebration in Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts. Renowned for curating a diverse and compelling lineup of Black cinematic excellence.

  • Branding

  • Print Development

  • Creative Direction

  • Digital Strategy

  • Online Marketing

  • Merchandise Design

  • Web Design & Programming

The development of the Martha’s Vineyard African-American Film Festival brand aimed to attract a wider audience to celebrate Black filmmaking excellence. 7ONE8 Design enhanced and maintained the festival's brand identity through a series of initiatives over the years:

Creative Direction

Creative direction was pivotal in conveying the festival’s unique essence. We provided creative direction to ensure that all visual elements and messaging were cohesive, captivating, and reflective of the festival’s mission.

Film Festival Branding

Recognizing the importance of a strong and resonant brand identity, our team annually led the initiative to craft a cohesive brand identity that aligned with the festival’s mission and celebrated Black cinematic excellence.

Print Development

To enhance the festival’s appeal and provide informative, engaging materials, we developed print collateral. These materials informed and attracted attendees, fostering anticipation and a sense of community.

Digital Strategy

In today’s digital age, a robust online presence is indispensable. We devised a digital strategy tailored to the festival’s unique attributes, increasing its online visibility and engagement.

Online Marketing

We launched online marketing campaigns that raised awareness about the festival. These campaigns not only attracted attendees but also cultivated a community of film enthusiasts who celebrated Black cinematic excellence.

Merchandise Design

Recognizing the significance of merchandise in promoting the festival, we designed visually appealing and culturally resonant merchandise that further celebrated Black cinematic excellence.

Web Design & Programming

An inviting and user-friendly website is central to a successful festival. We designed and programmed a website that served as a central hub for all festival-related information, ticket sales, and community engagement.

Film Festival Branding Outcomes

The collaboration between 7ONE8 Design and the Martha’s Vineyard African-American Film Festival was transformative. The cohesive brand identity captured the festival’s essence of Black excellence and resonated deeply with both longstanding and new attendees. Our creative direction ensured all visual elements and messaging were unified and engaging, while print collateral materials informed and excited attendees, fostering a sense of anticipation and community.

The tailored digital strategy significantly boosted the festival’s online presence, attracting a wider audience of film enthusiasts. Visually appealing merchandise served as cultural keepsakes, and the user-friendly website became an essential platform for festival-goers to explore, engage, and celebrate the festival's offerings. 7ONE8 Design's efforts led to enhanced brand awareness and a thriving community of passionate attendees.


