
EXPERT TIPS FOR DIY DESIGNERS Your Mama is a Scope Creep (learn…)

Yeah, you heard me These are fighting words. What exactly am I calling your mama, well I’m not really mad at her. More mad at those team members too busy updating their facebook status to give intelligent input on the scope of the project till after the project started.

What is a scope? Its the description of the project summed up into three parts. DELIVERABLES, what are the exact items or goals that the project aims to achieve. TIME, when do you want the project completed by. BUDGET, how much money you have for the project. All three connect to create the project scope.

What is a creep? The dimwat that speaks up after the project scope is agreed upon. They either say … Oh we now have to do the project in half the time or Oh can you also add these three more deliverables to the project or even worse Oh they budget was cut in HALF and we still need you to comply with the original deliverables and time…These scenarios are enough to label anyone a creep. Much worse a scope creep.

The dirtiest of the scope creeps literally creep up. They chip away at such small things that individually seem petty to point out but when you accumulate all the revisions in time and deliverables and budget you suddenly realize you are doing double the work in half the time for a quarter of the price that you originally agreed on.

So how do avoid a scope creep? First never start a project without the client signing an agreement of the scope in blood (jk). Second when anyone of these (time, price or deliverables) change, the other two need to adjust. Third, don’t let anyone rush you into a project without ironing out the scope. Tell them you have a rush policy with an astronomical fee. They either move on with their B.S., comply with taking the time needed to agree on the scope or pay the rush fee…(cushioning your bum)

And finally in the business of give and take, if you do find yourself adjusting the scope after the project has started. Whatever adjustment you make, outline it in the invoice, LET THE CLIENT KNOW. There are many times your client will be you mama’s sisters 1st cousin or the one that helped you get into a cab when you puked your guts out during happy hour at a networking event. Nevertheless, whatever your reason is, you can adjust the scope in many ways where you don’t loose. So in response to the scope creep cutting the time in half, either the price doubles or the deliverables are cut in half. For the scope creep that adds those tiny small deliverables, either the time or budget is increased (ideally both) And with the one whose budget is cut but time and deliverables stay the same … you have my permission to call that persons mama a scope creep.
