
EXPERT TIPS FOR DIY DESIGNERS Does Simple Make It Cheaper? (learn…)

We all plead guilty to the misuse of the word “simple.” Its that last negotiation tactic in trying to make the price for a service or product you are about to purchase go down.

But are we really saying simple?

By definition, simple means “easy”. Like when an illustrator draws a portrait using a single simple line. Or when you simply text your friend an address. They all truly “look” simple but it took many stages to get to that simple point.

The #1 visual characteristic in making anything look simple is for it to have the least amount of elements and still get its message thru. It’s as if the portrait illustration started with an outline of every line on your face and you erased as many lines necessary till you get to the least amount of lines that still look like you. Or that programmer that took a land line and compressed the technology down enough to function via radio waves from a portable handheld device. In reality, “simple” can take hours or in the second example, decades.

Another definition of simple is “mentally weak.” And when you are paying a designer to create your logo, website, content strategy or sales material, the last thing you want is for the final piece to look weak.

So what should you really be insinuating with the word simple? If you want “refined simplicity” in your design and not boringness, then realize that takes time. If you want the least amount of time put towards your project in order to stay within your budget, realize you get what you pay for. And if you DO want the final product to look weak, then don’t ask an designer. Its like asking a doctor to do an unsuccessful surgery.
