
EXPERT DIY TIPS Does Your Client/Co-worker Make You See Red?

Anger in the workplace, we’ve all had it or seen someone go thru it. Does it ever do any good. Yes .. but NO. Even though letting go of frustrations is necessary in a healthy life, doing it towards another human being just makes the whole thing worse.

Now I ain’t no Mother Teresa, my jungle is Brooklyn and I happen to be as firery as my Colombian roots. So anger is part of the seasoning that I am made up of. But just like jalapenos, too much will burn you. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI), in 2001 one out of every four employees is attacked, threatened, harassed verbally or physically, at work each year. And you thought walking alone in the middle of the night in Brownsville, BK was dangerous.

People come in many different shapes, sizes and temperaments. Those that have a high level of energy naturally spewing out of them are more prone to “ignite” easily. Its this ignition that needs to be redefined. We all wish to be superhuman and this “fire” allows us to achieve feats higher then we can imagine. But that same fire can shoot out of your eyes, mouth and hands. With such a “sitting behind a computer” lifestyle that majority of us have, we need to realize all this “fire” needs to go into running, yoga, weight lifting … anything that you can exhaust that fire. The results will be a sense of calmness in the free online games pokies other areas of your life.

Quick with your tongue. Believe me, many love a good challenge as a way of validating their ego but at what expense? The mind is a real dangerous weapon. When used wisely you have Gandhi’s and Alma’s but used for the wrong reason you have atomic bombs and starvation. Before you fire your mental weapon, realize it is wise to view the whole picture before pressing the red button. Here calming your mind comes to play. At first I was like WHAT the mind actually SHUTS UP? And the more I practiced it (it being mediation) the less tunnel vision I would become in difficult situations.

The possibilities towards a solution are endless. The split sec you make the mind stop talking and you give yourself the space to view the whole situation, you can start to see a multitude of solutions. Life is definitely not black and white, the shades of grey are infinite. The beauty of it is that you get to pick which shade. You do have that power of having a happy day or mad day. First step is to acknowledge that that “power” is even possible.

You are responsible for your happiness. Not god or your horoscope, not your spouse or your kids. Know that at every “fork in the road” thats on fire, it is only you who actually decides if you loose or win. So throw some water on that fork and use it to enjoy the deliciousness of life!
