
Evette Rios Case Study (read more…)

Many people think that a logo, domain and contact page is enough to be competitive on the web. The truth is, with just about everything online, your online presence should be closer to a military operation then just a calling card. It all starts with your audience, who are you targeting? In the case of our most recent website launch, Evetterios.com, majority of Evette’s audience comes from her appearances on the Rachael Ray Show, Today Show and Morning Show as a craft and design expert.

So what does her auadience want? Majority of them are googling craft and design tips. But many are looking to follow Evette’s adventures from Inside Editions coverage of Obama’s garden to making a sandwich with figure skater legend Brian Boitano.

For Evette, increasing her audience is key. So giving them what they want and retaining them should be at the forefront of the site design.

Top on the list is having all social network icons prominently displayed so that your audience can connect with you thru their own circles. But most importantly, utilizing social network widgets to make it as seamless as possible to be LIKED on Facebook, SUBSCRIBE on Youtube and FOLLOWED on twitter.

Second is designing a site that has a database. Think of it like a large excel file. When your site content is organized, categorized, tagged and indexed correctly the chances of Search Directories like Yahoo or Google displaying your site as a search result will be higher.

Third is the almighty slideshow. The truth is no one has time to search on your site for something interesting. If you don’t hit them over the head with what you want them to look at first, second and third, you will miss the train.

And speaking about SEARCHING, a Search Box is always handy to your viewer. Especially if your site has many pages, you would want your viewer to be delighted with how easy it is to find what they what they want.

Essentially content strategy is all about your user. Be it a elmers glue and popsicle sticks aficionado or a interior pet-home design novice you would want your viewer to find you, like you, share you and of course come back for more you!
